Kelvin Soto, Esq.
Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller
2 Courthouse Square
Kissimmee, Florida 34741
Phone: (407) 742-3500

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Copies & Certified Copies of Marriage Licenses

To view a marriage license that was applied for and recorded in Osceola County, search the official records online. Uncertified copies may be printed on your own printer for free. Certified copies may be purchased from the Clerk’s office. The charge for a copy is $1.00 per page and an additional $2.00 to certify the document. If you are using the copy for a legal purpose, we suggest that you purchase a certified copy.

If your license was applied for in another county or state, you must search the records in that county or state.

You may also send a written request for a copy. Please provide the names of both parties (including maiden name, and if known, date of marriage).  Acceptable forms of payment are cash, cashier’s checks, or money orders payable to Osceola Clerk of Court. Personal checks are not acceptable.

Osceola County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller
Recording Department
2 Courthouse Square
Kissimmee, Florida 34741
Phone: 407-742-3500

You can also access images of recorded marriage licenses on our website by clicking here.